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About researchers and whistleblowers :We, Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan, do not necessarily agree with or endorse all of the views presented here. What Camelot is about is the investigation into the mysteries that surround us. We are all, in a sense, investigators of our world. And while we, as individuals, may not agree with everything presented on our site, we fully support freedom of thought and speech as well as the Quest for truth.
31 December 2008

kerry's blog | Archived Blogs

June 30, 2010

BP Oil Spill - 2 sources with insider knowledge

Back from South Africa and jet lagged after 22+ hours flying...

Quick update:

2 new sources are saying the following (paraphrased or quoted when possible):

BP oil spill was a planned Op...Both sources agree on this.

Source 1: An off-shore marine shipping consultant

They were told for the past 5 years that the site they are drilling was "unstable" geologically. My source is a off-shore marine shipping consultant very solid with close connections to BP and other interested parties.

Bp was warned they were tapping into volcanic area. They have reports going back 4 or 5 years that there was a massive pocket of methane. It is going to blow. They had a rig manager who was very inexperienced.. The seals can't contain the rush / gas & oil methane. This is what caused the explosion. Block preventer -- has got methane building and it will blow... All the employees and people involved forced to sign nondisclosure agreements. You have an oil field the size of Scotland, when a hurricane comes through it will spread the toxic cocktail over Texas and surrounding areas and what could happen has never happened before -- it will rain oil and chemicals.

He went on to say that the amount of oil leaking has not been reported... it's at least 150,000 pds. The sea bed floor is cracking and it is going collapse...the well casing is going to collapse. All the workers out there know this. The gases you breath in are going to impact any first responders... and people out there.

There are other rigs in the Mississippi Canyon...That is what this area is called. BP's crews don't have the money behind them to contain the spill. How much oil is actually leaking out of the casing.. how much pressure...The question to ask is what is the pounds per square inch... I estimate 30-50,000 -- that is based on what I have been told.

KEY: the nuke idea would be a disaster according to this witness. "...With the leaks seeping out-- if that was happening in the North sea they would evacuate the area. When it rains hydrogen sulfate, benzene, methane and's a lethal cocktail--a toxic cocktail. Direct quote: This thing is going to bring down economies..Then he said, that the seabed is collapsing -- they are fighting a force of nature -- Bp has their best people on it but they haven't got a clue."

  • Note: this info is from an very knowledgeable source with details withheld to protect his identity. The info on BP is coming from employees with a need to know access. This is not the whole story but the informants are close to the ground at the site.

Second whistleblower:

Says the following. According to his insider contacts they planned this. What they want is for there to be a public outcry begging for a nuke. This will backfire and cause devastation undreamed of... The negative ETs are using the public sentiment against the people.

This would bring on Armageddon. This is their intention.

Do not be deceived by Lindsay Williams and others who are saying a nuke is the way to seal the leaks. (end of 2nd whistleblower testimony)

Clarification: the above is quoted from the whistleblower... to our knowledge Lindsay Williams is not advocating use of a nuke to fix the leak...--Kerry

My note from another whistleblower: If a nuke goes off it will cause rivers of fire to ignite the hidden methane and gas leaks currently coming out of the ground in Texas and north. A river of fire will lead to a chain- reaction that will ignite the Yellowstone Super Volcano to erupt which will in turn ignite the chain of volcanoes down the West Coast ring of fire going down into South America.


This is how the negative side works. Remember? Problem-reaction-solution. They cause a problem then that leads to the positive side of humanity coming on board in reaction seeking a solution that will have dire consequences. Both sources agree: Hoagland is right about the methane bubble.

Dr. Deagle says Fema will evacuate starting in 2 weeks.

My take: this is aimed at population reduction (see my posts below re BP oil spill. They have the technology to stop it. The positive and negative ET races are aware of this situation. It is up to us to solve the problem. One of the aims of the darkside is for this to lead to a quickening of the ice age and eventually pollution of the European coast... as the flow follows the North Atlantic conveyer.

There is a coming war with Iran. This sets the stage and will interfere with Russia's involvement in the war.

My intuitive take is that this is also a misdirect to cover the rising of Atlantis in this part of the Gulf. Think about it. They have cordoned off the area and it's a no fly zone.

According to Aaron McCollum (see my recent interview) there are 10 ET bases in the area. At least some of those are not "friendly". If the real ruins of Atlantis were to be uncovered it would change history as we know it (as we have been sold it). In my view this is what is also happening. Keep in mind that the Illuminati always strategize the future from a multiple angle perspective. Their approach always anticipates more than one outcome.

Added testimony - Insider Marine Shipping Consultant re Gulf of Aden

He said the following: (paraphrased):

"...You are spot on about the gulf of Aden." In other words, Aaron McCollum is right. This source has very close contacts in the Gulf of Aden. There's a naval standoff there over the stargate opening... and a parameter of 3miles wide... Someone from the U.S. side wanted to sail a naval ship into the portal. The standoff was between Israel and the U.S.

The word "mexican standoff was used"...

The other countries with ships there were against it.

People in shipping know. There is advanced technology associated with Israel involved in dealing with this. "

They are calling it a "geo-magnetic anomaly". His contacts in shipping verify this in addition to other 'family' members who are there."

Please excuse the rambling nature of the above communiques. I have been traveling for over 36 hours and want to get this info out there as soon as possible.


South African speaking event:

Our speaking event in Jo-berg (Johannesburg) was very successful. I spoke to a crowd who was not familiar with Project Camelot to a very dynamic crowd of close to 200 people. The South African's are wonderful, extremely bright people and we made quite an impact according to all responses.

June 26, 2010

Please go to the front page Portal to purchase and stream our June 16th Tleleconference for the reduced price of $10!! This is a fabulous cutting edge conference with an excellent list of speakers. We need to make enough money to pay the speakers in order to continue doing these conferences.

I am on my way back from South Africa with excellent new info to release. Please be patient!!!



June 15, 2010

Don't Forget to Register for tomorrow's groundbreaking Teleconference on Current Events, 2012 & Beyond!

BP Oil Spill

Mulltiple back channel contact are telling me the oil spill was engineered - the gasket was planned to fail. Again, they have the technology to clean this up and deal with it.. Ask yourself why they choose not to. What are they really doing and what do they hope to achieve?

1. Population reduction

2. Oil spill covers rising land mass -- Atlantis (there is an undersea volcano there)...

3. The oil will move along the North Atlantic conveyer up to Iceland and down the European Coast. While Russia is dealing with the mess in Europe what will the U.S. be doing with respect to Iran. This is the key.

They are going to evacuate the Southern States area eventually... as a result of this -- for what purpose.

Richard Hoagland is talking about a bubble set to erupt... but he is not telling you about Atlantis rising.


Letter from the Oil Fields of Oklahoma

I received the folllowing letter confirmation of the info on my May 20 post from a person who wishes to remain anonymous:



I worked for my uncle in the oil/gas fields in the corner of Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado and Texas during high school and college.

He had an oil field hauling company. Basically, he had specialized trucks which moved the rigs from site to site--taking them down and setting them up.

What few 'color' videos I have seen on this well do seem to support, at least to some degree, the statements of the commentator on the film you reference in your blog.

Even in black and white it is clear allot of gas is coming out. In color, it appears that gas as well as sulfur are coming out. Several other statements about them not vacuuming up oil for later processing as they did around Saudi Arabia does make one suspicious.

I looked at several films, but I believe it was in the one you reference that he spoke of how thick oil was and that it was not fluid, but a very thick substance needing heat to flow freely. This is definitely not true! It may be of some oils, but none that I have ever seen.

I also worked with U. S. Customs in Galveston, Texas (among other locations). We had to supervise the discharge of various petro-chemical tankers in Texas City, Texas. I have seen plenty of crude and all of it was very fluid.

In any event, it appears that those in charge are deliberately not taking any serious steps to stop the disaster.

It looks like the powers-that-be finally have their solution to cull the herd without any finger pointing at them as we might have in other circumstances. After all, this is just an unfortunate act of nature.

Not sure I have been of any assistance, but I think the commentator on the referenced video had a number of VALID points.


Watch the Kemner video to learn more... just below here.
May 20

It's a volcano NOTE; IT'S STILL A VOLCANO!!!

Check this out.. Henning Kemner video -- very interesting possibility that this is a cover-up for a volcanic eruption. Must see.

New update: to Henning Kemner

NEW RELEASE COMING LATER TODAY: AARON MCCOLLUM: Project Seagate: Dolphin/human hybrids!

And don't miss this interview with Carmen Boutler - I co-hosted with Jeremiah

June 11, 2010

Change of plans: No re-editing to be done on Ashayana Deane videos after all

I am reposting the Ashayana Deane videos without re-editing. I received word today that James has decided he will not take legal action as long as his letter is posted on my site (already done) along with the videos and on Youtube.

Quoted from the Letter from James of below (excerpt):

..."I have no further objection to holding them back as long as Kerry is willing to include my response on YouTube and her own site. I simply wanted to be transparent and share my reaction to the inaccuracies. I have said my peace."

Letter from James - (posted below and linked here)

I am in the process of re-uploading to Youtube and it's taking a huge long time because the files are so large. Hopefully they will be uploaded by the end of the weekend.

Although this is now resolved, for those of you who doubt the seriousness of this issue here is an excerpt from the email I received from Mark Hempel threatening legal action:

Dear Kerry,

I have watched the video interview of Anna Hayes.

I believe the four items I mentioned in my previous email were accurately portrayed by those who wrote me about this issue. There were other condescending textures in the body language, facial expressions and tone of Anna Hayes, but these are admittedly more subjective, and comparatively irrelevant. What is on tape—and therefore notsubjective—are the accusations clear, libelous, and malicious. Whether Anna or her “hosts,” are responsible is irrelevant so far as our legal counsel is concerned. The fact is that the four items I mentioned in my email dated June 7, 2010 are accurate examples of libel and defamation, and there is no wiggle room on the matter. “I have tape” as they say.

With regard to WingMakers LLC, I am in charge of all legal and operational details. My role as COO of WingMakers LLC is to protect the image of the brand in all its forms including the Lyricus Teaching Order, WingMakers, EventTemples, and Sovereign Integral websites.

Anna Hayes is simply wrong on every account related to the WingMakers, and she well knows it. The karmic trail she weaves when she tells lies of this magnitude is ill-advised.

I request the following:

1. A retraction by Anna Hayes relative to her accusations levied against the WingMakers.

2. Either remove the video/PDFs from your site and YouTube (and any other outlets), or edit all mentions of WingMakers.

Short of this, I will, on behalf of WingMakers LLC seek a legal remedy. If you have some other suggestions I will listen over the next 48 hours via email. I am not interested in engineering some debate between James and Anna Hayes. To do so would only serve Project Camelot and her own cult. Please let me know of your intention in the next 48 hours.

Kerry, this is a matter we take very seriously, and I want to emphasize this.

**** end of excerpt

June 10 : Updated as of 5:00pm PST

Ashayana Deane's brief response to James, more to come...

Also see below for Jame's Letter and his email to Ashayana as well as my statement

From: Asha Deane
Date: June 10, 2010 3:59:29 PM PDT
Subject: GA/Asha Deane response to Wingmakers

Hi Kerry, Ashayana Deane here. I'm really sorry you ended up caught in the middle of this "Wingmakers" issue. I just became aware of your site-posting regarding this issue, and of your posting of Jame's letter, today (June 10, 2010) at about 4PM; as I write this note it is 5:37PM. In my opinion you did a wonderful job in being fair and balanced in your commentary. I'm writing this note to you to let you know that the GA & I would like to respond to Jame's posted letter (& to his very accusatory personal e-mail to me) if you would be kind enough to post my letter on your site also.

I'd also like to call to your attention that whatever copyright infringements James has hinted that I have done do not apply for the following reason: In our 2002 Publication of my/GA "Voyagers-Secrets of Amenti-2nd Edition" non-fiction book (Granite Publishing), on pages 553-554, the GA provided a commentary of their opinion pertaining to a group of actual, not fictional, "service to self" ETs, who are "commonly known in the public domain" as the Wingmakers & Corteum and the earth human "Labyrinth Group" associated with the "Ancient Arrow" archaeological site, whom according to the GA are being covertly manipulated and deceived by the aforementioned non-fictional ET groups. This information has been in published form in my book for 8 years, through which period I had no personal knowledge of "James' fictional Wingmakers" story. My knowledge of the subject was limited to the commentary the GA published in 2002 and that the names the GA chose to use in their transmission were "commonly known in the public domain" in "some form or another", and thus the GA had the right to make commentary and express their opinion regarding names that could be found in the public domain. If there was any unintentional "right infringements" in our use of those names, my publisher saw no issue with it in 2002; the book is still in print just as it was published in 2002 as a 2nd Edition to my 1999 1st edition.

Personally, I'm wondering at this point if James' fiction story was a bit more "directly inspired" or channeled than he realizes...but either way the GA's "Wingmakers" commentary was a small part of a much larger verbatim transmission on numerous subjects that is in my 2002 book, and THAT information is directly a part of the GA's CDT-Plate historical information (there are 24 Ancient Arrow trans-harmonic star-gate sites on earth, that were created by and originally belonged to the GA-Elohei and related Mashaya-hana Adashi Adept councils; 7 of these 24 sites fell into the hands of the HISTORICAL "Wingmakers"/"Corteum" non-fiction ET groups.). An interesting question for me is "Did James invent these names as he says he did, or did his "spiritual inspiration" actually give him those names from the CDT-Plate historical record, which is "common knowledge' among most ET races?

Whatever the answer to that question is, I don't really care, and feel that James is sincere and well-meaning, even if our respective "Wingmakers" accounts differ; since we are both motivated by truth and helping others to become more aware and enlightened, I don't see why James has a problem with the public having the right to explore "different perspectives" on an issue. I'd be glad to have a public discussion with James, if he is interested, and it saddens me that he feels the need to accuse me of "attacking" his work, when the reality of what I have done is simply report what the GA's perspective is on something found in the CDT-plate historical records and which is published in my book for 8 years. Hopefully in my responding to his letter , James and I can reach a "space of peace" regarding it being all right for people to have different ideas and opinions and to share them, so that others have the opportunity to examine and compare ideas for themselves and make their own decisions. In our recent April 2010 workshop the GA revealed more information pertaining to the GA- Ancient Arrow sites and affectionately referred to the "above mentioned historical and current service to self ET races" as the "Wing-dongs" (as in "how can they be so silly in thinking their invasion-plan from the future-parallel can actually still work 2011-2013"..). Perhaps James would prefer I call the "GA's Wingmakers" "Wing-dongs" instead...or maybe "Wing-dings or Wing-things"? I think the whole issue over the names is silly, and that people have a right to view both perspectives on words that are found "as common reference in the public domain". James is fully entitled to his fictional perspectives on the "Wingmakers", and the GA and I are likewise entitled to our perspective; truly sorry he has found this threatening as no harm to him or to his work is intended by me or the GA. Hopefully we can all come together in a common vision of loving, mature understanding in a shared vision of "every one's right to express their understanding of truth and share that truth to inspire growth and empowerment for others".

Thanks Kerry, for your time and for the interview; as for your being pressured by James to edit out my interview statements regarding the GA's Wingmakers for fear of copyright issues, you have every right to allow me to speak about information contained in my own published books for 8 years; he has no right to "try to silence" you, me or the GA via the intentional "Information Black-out" he is trying to use to create in order to protect his own interests. I trust you will continue to do what you feel is right and fair. As it will probably take me a day or two (June 11-13, 2010) to write a thoughtful direct response to James' posted letter, if you feel it would be helpful to people visiting your site you have my permission to post this private e-mail to you in its entirety, until my official response to James is rendered. Posting this e-mail may help dispel some of the public confusion emerging over you feeling the need to "edit/sensor" my interview. Much love and respect to you Kerry, and to James, with whom I hope to share a public discussion with sometime soon if he is willing. ...With Light, Love, Awareness & Freedom...Ashayana Deane


Letter from James - (posted below and linked here)

What follows is a Letter from James of Wingmakers regarding statements made by A'shayana Deane in her interview with me filmed on April 2010.

My name is James, the creator of the WingMakers materials, which launched in November 1998, nearly 12 years ago. A’shayana Deane has made defamatory and unsubstantiated remarks regarding a body of work I have worked to develop since I was a teenager (many years ago I must admit). I’ve always endeavored to produce materials that reflect coherence and to help build a shared vision of truth. I simply want to share a perspective on the importance of behavioral intelligence, using both fiction and non-fiction, presented in text, visual images and music formats.

I am a human man, originally from Spain, and have chosen to remain anonymous because I don’t wish to mix my personality with the materials I create. I do not have a staff, or any organization. Mark Hempel, my web manager, is the closest thing to an organization that I have since he operates my four websites. I do not do workshops or make speeches. In twelve years, I have never spent a dime on marketing or promotion. I have done three interviews. I’ve written over 1,000 pages of free material that is both fiction (mythological-based WingMakers) and non-fiction (papers like Spiritual Activism and the Six Heart Virtues).

Until two days ago, I had not been aware of A’shayana Deane. I have never written or spoken about her or her group (or any other group for that matter). It is not my place to critique the works of others, and if she had offered a critique of my work, I would understand. Not everyone likes what I have produced, and like anyone who creates music, art, or writings, they will have their critics. But what A’shayana Deane has said on this video is not a critique of my material, but rather a gross inaccuracy that can be potentially confusing and stressful to people.

So why did I ask Kerry to edit the tape? Wouldn’t this only bring more attention to the inaccuracy? Yes, I believe it will, but the moment that A’shayana Deane made these inaccuracies, I had no choice but to deal with them. Here are the primary inaccuracies, as they pertain to the WingMakers materials:

1) The identity of the WingMakers is not how I have portrayed them, but rather they are a fallen race of ETs with a dark agenda.

2) That the WingMakers art and music activate a DNA response from those who view or listen to the material that brings about a negative merkaba.

3) That the WingMakers caused the recent earthquakes in Chile, killing innocent lives.

I asked Kerry Cassidy to edit this information from the video not because I didn’t want people to know about these inaccuracies, but as a matter of principle. I’m well aware that the genie is out of the bottle. I know that A’shayana Deane had her own people filming the interview (in addition to Kerry) with the intent to make a DVD for resale on their site. I have no intention to try and withhold the information from the public, to the contrary, I am planning to shine the light on it so those involved can understand why we, who write and talk about love and light, forgiveness and understanding, and the higher principles of Spirit, can actually demonstrate something of what we say.

I have written a body of work (non-fiction) that deals with behavioral intelligence. Part of this work focuses on what I have called the Six Heart Virtues, which consists of appreciation, compassion, humility, forgiveness, understanding and valor. Collectively, these virtues constitute the frequency of what humanity has termed “love.” These are the qualities that flow from the heart and help each of us express our true self in the moment. They become the new criteria for our actions. When someone attacks our integrity, for example, we can apply understanding and forgiveness.

In respect to this situation, A’shayana Deane has a remarkable facility to articulate big concepts. She appears bright, cheerful and I will assume well-meaning. While I have not studied her books and other materials, I respect what she has created and know that it could only occur out of a strong commitment, and I offer that observation to those that work with her as well. Sometimes sitting in front of a camera for six hours, and the pressure of being “on” causes even the best speaker to make slip-ups. Perhaps, as Kerry has suggested, when A’shayana Deane uses the term “WingMakers” she is referring to a different race of ETs. I don’t pretend to know what is in another’s heart, but when the work I have spent the better part of my life creating is attacked, no matter the reason, I will step forward to defend it. I may not be successful, but I believe I owe this to the hundreds of thousands who have seen the art, listened to the music, and studied the materials.

I have written in many of my non-fiction works about the Era of Transparency that is coming to this planet. It is in the spirit of this transparency that I have included in this response my letter that I sent to A’shayana Deane inquiring about the nature of her inaccuracies. I have yet to receive a response, but I hope that she will respond soon, and to be fair, I only sent it to her yesterday.

All of us in this community need to find our own way into coherence. There is no magic or mantra to invoke coherence. It is done through the behaviors—how and what we express through our thoughts, words, feelings and actions. We need to create a shared vision of truth from out of an increasing quotient of coherence. And this shared truth must arise from humans—we, we must develop it. It is not going to be deposited in our hands from the skies or God or ETs. It will be a collective human creation, and one that I hope we can all contribute to.

I forgive A’shayana Deane for her inaccuracies. I hold no malice towards her, and wish her well in her work. I hope she is successful in her endeavors, and if she would like to work together in some future time, I would gladly consider it. I believe this is how we who write about the love, light and sound of the higher dimensions, who appear to have beneficial insights of the higher truths, should walk our talk. Otherwise, separation and polarity seeps in, and how can a shared truth arise in such an environment?

If people would like to see the original video sections that I have asked to be edited, I would encourage them to write to Kerry Cassidy and request this. I have no further objection to holding them back as long as Kerry is willing to include my response on YouTube and her own site. I simply wanted to be transparent and share my reaction to the inaccuracies. I have said my peace.

Thank you for listening.

From my heart to yours,



This email is for Asha.

My name is James.

I am the creator of the WingMakers in terms of their identity on this planet. If you search the web, or anywhere else, before November 28, 1998, you will not find this term. The story, the Ancient Arrow Project is the same. I created the story. The art, the music, the philosophy, the Neruda interviews, and the non-fictional works related to the story, were also created by me. The Ancient Arrow Project is part of this mythology. It is not meant to be taken literally, and since the terms are designed as mythos memes, how is it that they have suddenly become the property of your group?

You speak of the WingMakers as an ET race that has fallen and is now of a negative character. In my mythology, the WingMakers are depicted as the Central Race, the eldest race in the multiverse. They are time-shifted humans. And yet you have appropriated, or perhaps better said, hijacked this term and have now chosen to redefine it. For what purpose do your definitions reduce it to a fallen race of ETs with evil intent?

You also imply that the Corteum and WingMakers are one and the same. Again, the Ancient Arrow Project is something I’m quite familiar with. I wrote it. It came from my mind to the paper. It was not channeled. So, please explain how you know more about the true identity of the characters that I created than I do? The Corteum and WingMakers in my story are not the same, and neither of them is evil or fallen.

Regarding your comments that the WingMakers art and music deform the DNA of those who view or listen to it—inexplicably diminishing their ability to form the correct merkaba vehicle (as defined by the Guardians), on what basis do you say this? Again, I am one humble man who devoted my entire life to this mission. I created all of this work. I understand it better than anyone as to its purpose and mission, so how is it that you can tell me what its true purpose is?

If you would like to discuss the concept of coherence and its relation to the development of a shared vision of truth, I can do this, and will be most delighted to do so. This is the core reason I am here. This is the core reason for all of my materials to exist. And yet you so casually paint them as negative. Please explain to me what your motive is in doing so.

Perhaps this is all a misunderstanding. Parallel worlds interceding upon this one… or some anomalous rift in the reality of two people (you and I) who could be supportive of one another. Instead, you have chosen to attack my works. I hope you will take the time to answer my questions. They are not rhetorical.

From my heart to yours,

James | | |

Click here for the original written Project Camelot interview with James

June 10

Statement by Kerry Cassidy : Regarding the removal of comments from A'shayana's video

As many people know I was asked by James of Wingmakers to remove the comments made by A'shayana Deane in her video interview with regard to Wingmakers. This is a highly unusual situation. In fact, I don't recall it ever happening before to any Camelot video.

The issue here is complex. As a filmmaker and investigative reporter, it is inevitable that various people I interview are not all going to agree. In fact, many people in this sector don't like each other or have huge issues with the writings and viewpoints of every other researcher/experiencer. As a filmmaker/journalist I have a choice as to who to interview. I welcome bringing forward differing points of view because this widens the playing field and allows people to use their own discernment when considering all sides of the story.

Unfortunately, the line between attacking someone and voicing a difference of opinion or criticism is very thin and often wavering. In this case, the information regarding the Wingmakers has been excellent. We did a written interview with James a couple years ago and I believe it contains a great deal of wisdom. By the same token, my recent interview with A'shayana Deane is also, in my view, an excellent presentation of her material, from her sources. Both James and A'sha are speaking for their sources who, are off-planet and may inhabit other galaxies, dimensions or levels in this vast complex of multi-verses. They are both speaking from their hearts, believe what they are 'getting' from their sources and are working to convey their information for the betterment and upliftment of humanity, and they are both very passionate light warriors for their cause.

At the moment, we have warring factions on this planet between ETs, humans who are "us" in the future, extra-dimensionals, intra-dimensionals, discarnate beings and so on. In the midst of all of this, we at Camelot are endeavoring to bring forward what we consider the best and most important information we can find, regardless of the source. And this is crucial.

It is not enough to simply counsel people to KISS (keep it simple stupid)... We need thinking beings actively engaged here on planet Earth if we are to survive the coming changes. I encourage everyone to consider opposing points of view regardless of where they come from... simply because in doing so your powers to discern will grow. This is, in my view, the best way to learn.

As a filmmaker/investigator of this multi-verse and matrix I firmly believe in pushing the envelope. I am well aware that our witnesses (as I call them) often see things very differently. This is the point. It is in viewing the vast aspects of creation that we begin to learn what it means to be a creator.

The comments A'sha made in my interview are not complete in that, as she explains, she was about to, at the time of this interview, go into a workshop where she felt she would be given more extensive information with regard to the Wingmakers. What is not clear, is whether the Wingmakers she is referring to are indeed the same Wingmakers as those talked about on the website or whether A'sha and James are talking about different groups of beings.

I have received many emails asking why the comments A'sha made have to be removed... is Camelot bowing to the pressure of "interest groups"? Actually no. But I choose not to get involved in a legal battle either. And so, under the circumstances, with no clear indication as to whose source is more right than the other and because I firmly believe both A'shayana Deane and James of are coming from the heart, I am removing the offending statements. This is not, I wish to state, however, how I would recommend they deal with their differences.

I have asked both of them to:

1. Engage in dialog either in public or in private to discuss their differences.


2. To make public statements as to their viewpoints on this matter, which I have agreed to post fully, without editing on this website.

From my pov, what is most crucial at this time is for differing factions to begin talking to each other. The time for secrecy is over.

This is a time when uniting toward a common goal (the upliftment or enlightenment of humanity) is crucial. Lightworkers or Light Warriors as I prefer to call them, need to unite and begin to work together. People who represent various ET and humanoid/human races need to openly discuss their differences. We can only benefit by more openness and full disclosure... The truth is out there and inside each of us... and we need to confront our differences with love and understanding. Only then can we begin to move forward to build the new future that awaits us.

Kerry Lynn Cassidy
Project Camelot
June 10, 2010


June 8

Lock-down on the Gulf

From a source:

"IMPORTANT!!!!!!!Hello i just got this mp3 interview with James Fox (i kinow what i saw en into the blue), done by the veritasshow today (this was the text that was posted with it by Mel Fabregas..)" -- a source.

["A few minutes ago, I conducted a short interview with documentary filmmaker, James Fox. He is presently in Grand Isle, Louisiana. The closest location to the Gulf oil spill. Before I spoke to James I received a few unsubstantiated reports that I put on the side.

What I'm about to share with you is extremely important. There is an absolute MEDIA BLACKOUT in the area. People are being arrested everywhere. Hotels in a 70-mile radius are completely sold out, yet, you don't see any vans or reporters filming. It's as if the entire area was under siege.

James Fox has witnessed this and he basically just arrived. He says he saw multiple Chevron helicopters flying. He has not seen any military activity. It's as if the oil companies had taken over. James expected to rent a plane to fly over it and that is not possible. The area above the oil spill is now a NO-FLY-ZONE. He will be there for two weeks.

I am issuing this bulleting because James Fox's name needs to be out in the public, as there is a possibility that he will be arrested. I have plans to talk to the Grand Isle's Police Department to get further clarification regarding these arrests, since James people don't even know who is conducting these arrests. James had the opportunity to talk to the son of one of the cleanup workers (former fisherman) and he told him no one is talking. He did say that no one is being told the extent of this disaster. It is much bigger than what is being reported.

The government is NOT IN CONTROL. The ones exercising all influence are the oil companies. Where is our FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT? I will be posting my interview with James at the forum shortly. When I called him I wanted to remain optimistic and felt people were exaggerating or simply fear mongering. After my conversation with James I can categorically say that my level of concern has risen to unprecedented levels and now I'm putting more credence to the reports I'm receiving.] -- Mel Fabregas reporting

CLICK HERE for the mp3 (18min long) feel free to post it, this info has to be out in the open."

Posted here to support James Fox's request to put this info out there. MP3 coming shortly.. or go to Mel Fabregas's site.

June 7

Regarding Aaron McCollum

I am currenlty editing my interview with Aaron McCollum.. It should be out by the end of the week. In the meantime, Aaron's living situation changed rather suddenly and he is looking for a new place to live in the Southern California area. He needs a reasonable rent and although he currently lives in Pasadena, he would consider relocating somewhere in the surrounding LA area. He doesn't have a car so he needs to be centrally located within reach of transportation. If you know of anything please send him an email at:

June 3

Going to South Africa - donations welcome

I am going to South Africa around June 18th for 10 days... the flight is costly so any donations are welcome. I will be filming the ruins on the Solstice and Michael Tellinger and covering as much as possible with the equipment I have...

Evacution planned for Tampa Bay, Florida?

It's not completely clear yet but the following items are coming through from sources:

1. News articles on possible evacuation of Tampa Bay (plans) - This is interesting since before the spill, someone sent me google maps views of UN vans sitting on a hidden airstrip in Florida... rows and rows of white vans just sitting there.... maybe 4000. What did they know and when did they know it?

2. Just received this:   from a source UNCONFIRMED.:   [..."via ________ a mate: I listened to a Louisiana radio broadcast this morning, with professional service personnel and they were saying that several, police, and home guard had resigned packed up their families and headed north as they had received planning instructions that on a date between the 15th and 20th of June there are mass evacuations of all ... UN people transporter vehicles in total 100's of thousands, I've seen the google sat shots it's real. Just don't go."] --- Unconfirmed.

Myself and at least two other people I know were having EQ symptoms and for myself, a feeling I can best describe as seasickness on land... things are better today.

June 2

Update on release of Parts 2 & 3 of A'shayana Deane

Parts two and three of the A'shayana Deane interview will be released sometime in the next few days. On YouTube, Part One has already gotten 31,495 views after just a few days...

Addendum to Duncan's vision

I received the following communique today from a friend of a friend speaking for Duncan.

They wrote:

"...Due to an article on Before It's News that posted your blog article, I had to add a paragraph since they were indicating that D was saying the earth's rotation would stop. New text below:

Visions - Oil Spill and Earth Changes

We've been getting a lot of response from the vision Duncan had a few days ago relating directly to the BP Oil spill, volcanic eruptions, and general earth changes. The contents of his vision are posted over at Kerry Cassidy's Blog at Project Camelot Productions. You can read about that vision [below] in her post of May 31.

There are two addenda to this topic that we wanted to add. The first is that Duncan also saw in this vision that the sinkholes that are becoming more and more prevalent around the world are also to be included as a result of the Earth losing its lubrication (oil). You can see a picture of the recent sinkhole in Guatemala HERE.

Secondly, Duncan describes a vision which he had over fifteen years ago while standing on the beach in Delaware. As often happens in his visions, his vision turns black and white and everything freezes. That is what happened this time and then he saw a new land mass rising out over the East Coast.

One more thing: Duncan did not see the Earth's rotation stop completely or permanently. What he saw was the overheating (volcanoes) and friction (loss of the lubricating layer of oil) causing the mother of all rotational hiccups, the power of which would be so powerful as to result in a complete pole shift. He said he saw that after the pole shift, the Earth would continue to rotate, but obviously in a different rotational pattern than we have currently.

Duncan hastens to add a disclaimer on all his visions: These visions never give a timeline or a specific date. Also, as we create our future, timelines can change so whereas a vision can be accurate for one potential future, it may become irrelevant if we shift to a different timeline. These visions are not ever meant to be taken as fact and it is important that every person use their own intuition and instincts regarding any information of this kind. And he really really hopes he's wrong about this."

The above is not paraphrased but quoted as received..

June 1

Oil Eating Microbes - Solution to BP Oil Spill

I encourage you to watch this video and send it around to any contacts you have in government and Congress. The fact that this solution, among many others is in the public domain (Dan Burisch's Lotus Project can also clean up polluted waters etc) is clear proof that the PTB have created this situation in order to push the timeline see below for more on this....

Link is here:


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