Graham Hancock : MaestroI had the great pleasure to interview Graham Hancock, well known author of Fingerprints of the Gods and many other highly regarded books. His books have sold more than five million copies worldwide and have been translated into 27 languages. He is an author, lecturer, explorer and journalist and has appeared on hundreds of radio and numerous television shows reaching millions with his work |
John Urwin: The MachineBased in the Middle East during the highly volatile period after the Suez crisis in the late 1950's he and a team of 15 operatives blended into the ranks of the British military by day and were sent on covert operations at night and when necessary. In this audio interview you will hear John talk about his unconventional training by what can only be termed an off-world group
A'shayana DeaneI went to Florida to interview A'shayana Deane, author of the Voyager books. Her previous work details the history behind the genetic engineering of the human race and the numerous ET races that have been interacting with and shaping our destiny here on Earth as well as throughout the many multi-verses.
Hugh Newman : Earth GridsOn my recent trip to Egypt with Carmen Boulter and group, I ran into Hugh Newman, who was there a day or two early for his trip with Robert Bauval. We had a brief chance to chat while on the plateau behind the Great Pyarmid. He is the author of "Earth Grids: The Secret Patterns of Gaia's Sacred Sites".
Andy LLoyd - Dark Star I talked about his theories on the 2nd sun, or Brown Dwarf that he has been researching for over 10 years. As it happens, his theories are just now gaining support.
Michael Tellinger: African GodsThe stone circles including Adam's Calendar were brought to the forefront when Johan Heine contacted Michael Tellinger, author of Slave Species of the Gods back in 2007 to tell him about the discovery of a massive set of stone ruins located in South Africa. As the author of an investigation into the Annunaki and the genetic engineering of man, Michael iinstantly saw the connection to his own work
Giza Geomatrix IIThe 2nd interview with the team from Giza Geomatrix. We cover what Bill Brown and his team have found using Ground Penetrating Radar...within the Khufu Temple complex that extends from the Giza Plateau and beyond, revealing a hidden technology.
Aaron McCollum on Project Seagate and Dolphin/human hybrids Aaron's personal story and his journey of self-discovery. At the time of this interview, it come to light that he himself may be, a dolphin/human hybrid. In a stunning revelation, he describes his role in military abductions, working alongside nonhuman entities taking targets, to underground bases for experimentation and programming and alot more...
Bob Dean: Bringing in the LightBob Dean is a legend in his own time. He is, I believe, a one-man disclosure project. Ask him to the party and you barely need anyone else to make the case, for the truth behind ufos, ETs and the secret space program. He lends a touch of class to everything he touches
Dolores CannonI had the good fortune to interview Dolores in late February 2010 while at the Laughlin UFO Congress. She is a tireless investigator and fearless chronicler of the vast reaches of the human mind.
Laura Knight-JadczykLaura's intelligence is tenacious and uncompromising. Her inquiry into the supernatural, past lives, and the unknown has taken her down many roads. Along the way, she became a hypnotist, an exorcist and a highly perceptive chronicler of what it means to be human.
Peter Sterling Due to the subject matter which concerns his encounter with 2 gray aliens during an Ayahuasca experience, we have included a cautionary note at the beginning of the video, reprinted here as well. While, clearly, Peter has the best of intentions, it is not at all certain that the information you are about to hear, is the truth.
The Anglo Saxon Mission - The Timeline - Letter This letter sent to Kerry Cassidy for publication in order to provide a more comprehensive view of the Anglo-Saxon Mission as well as events surrounding these revelations that have not until now, been released to the public.
The Heather MaterialEverything about the Heather Material is outlandish and stretches the bounds of even the most prolific imagination into the science fiction genre. I guess that is why its attraction is so pervasive. That and the fact that very credible whistleblowers have come forward talking about very similar things... just never in this detail and with this human pathos.
Giza Geomatrix TeamThere are mysterious comings and goings in the cover of night on the Giza Plateau. A film has been released that shows the removal of items from underground and in the background is the clear sound of heavy machinery. The person who shot it used a cell phone and is now on the run. Before leaving the country he gave the film to Bill Brown and his partner Richard Gabriel. This person's life is now in danger. |
Aaron McCollum: Gulf of Aden Project Stargate Aaron McCollum is a very bright straight-shooter who is coming forward at this time to raise awareness regarding what he believes is going on in the Gulf of Aden. He considers himself to be a "third generation member of the MKUltra Project Talent", the same project that Duncan O'Finioan and Dave Corso were a part of.

Jordan Maxwell: The takeover of planet earth one of the greatest alternative researchers of our time. According to Jordan Earth is not controlled by human beings; that the human race is currently being mutated; and, to put it mildly, we are all in some degree of trouble.
Michael Schratt: Beyond Blue Aviation historian researcher of unidentified craft and classified projects. He interviewed many scientists and aerospace pilots, engineers, and executives from the defense industry and NASA |
Klaus Dona: Spiritual archaeologist As Art Exhibition Curator for the Habsburg Haus of Austria, Klaus has organized exhibitions world wide.His approach to Archeology is unconventional, searching for unique and unexplained findings. He is on a mission to bring to the public eye finds like giant bones, crystal skulls, and other finds that do not fit into the accepted view of our History. |
Kerry Cassidy interview by FritzIn this in-depth interview Fritz Stammberger talks with Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot about how Project Camelot got started, what they have been doing and what they have discovered over the past 4 years.. |




Janis Sharp : Free GaryOn my recent trip to London I was fortunate to get the chance to meet Janis Sharp, Gary McKinnon's mother, a powerhouse who has been very actively working to stop the extradition of her son to the U.S. She has been surprisingly successful in generating a grass roots movement of support that includes such luminaries as Sting, Bob Geldof and Chrissie Hynde. |
Carmen Boulter : EgyptI traveled with Dr. Carmen Boulter on her group tour of Egypt for the special meditation inside the Great Pyramid and at the foot of the Sphinx on 10-10-2010. This interview was done in view of the pyramids where at the end of the tour we had a chance to sit down and talk about Amarna, Nefertiti and Akhenaten and what really happened in those days. |
Dr. J. Abey: Healing WaterWhile traveling in Egypt with Carmen Boulter I met several wonderful people with whom I have a strong bond. One of these wonderful people is Dr. Jayanath Abeywickrama, a Sri Lankan Aryurvedic healer. Dr. Abey, as I called him, is a lovely soul who has dedicated his life to being a healer. He is also a spiritual seeker and practioner of meditation which he uses in his healing. He has begun to use energetically charged water to heal many diseases with great success.
Michael Schratt: Part twoThis interview is a great overview of the UFO... above top secret black aircraft being developed by our secret government for use in a variety of scenarios. Not the least of which is potentially Project Blue Beam. As an in depth researcher, a self-labeled aerospace historian and someone who has secret sources within the aerospace industry, Michael is a dynamite guy to have on ones team. |
James Casbolt : IBIISThe following information was sent to me by James Casbolt... It contains imporatant information about robots, AI and black projects involving MK Ultra etc.
Niara Isley : MILAB AbducteeTaken during tour of duty Tonopah Test Range 1980s
Niara enlisted in the Air Force back in 1979 and became a surface to air missle/anit-aircraft artillary radar specialist based at various bases around the U.S. She was based for aprpoximately one year at Nellis Air Force Base working out at the Tonopah Test Range. And that is where these incidents occurred. |
Bob Dean 2011In February we were fortunate to have a chance to connect once again with one of our favorite people, one-man disclosure project, Bob Dean. Soon to celebrate his 82nd birthday, he was in good form and waxing eloquent about his relationship with ETs, breaking his security oath and looking toward the future with eyes wide-open. |
RICH DOLAN -FUTURETALKThis is a discussion with scholar and researcher, Rich Dolan, author of Volumes I & II: "UFOs and The National Security State" and of the newly released, "A. D. After Disclosure". When we say the Future is Now, this discussion zones in on just that and how the future we are rapidly moving into is manifesting and must be dealt with openly and with care. A frankly open talk about the hard questions that come along as a result of what we know, what isn't generally out there and how what we don't know is impacting the populace behind the scenes in ways they haven't even begun to suspect. |
HUGH NEWMAN: ENERGY GRIDHugh Newman has traveled around the world investigating megaliths and ancient sites delving into Earth mysteries that have long been hidden from us, until now. His work with the energy grids and connecting the symbolism and meaning of the ancient sites with our history is ground-breaking research of the best kind. In the tradition of the great researchers and authors like Graham Hancock, Carmen Boulter and many others, he is no arm chair researcher but in true "indiana Jones" style braves the elements to find the truth hidden in our past. |
ANTOINE GIGAL: EGYPTBack in March I attended Megalithomania in South Africa and interviewed several speakers. My interview with Antoine Gigal started out with a discussion about the recent revolution in Egypt. Antoine lives in Egypt and speaks fluent Arabic. As a woman she has been given special access to sites on the Giza Plateau as well as elsewhere in Egypt. Her insider knowledge is substantial covering both the ancient past through her detailed investigations and the present. |
ANDREW COLLINSAndrew Colins is the well known author of "The Cygnus Mystery". He's a fearless investigator into the unknown. He is also credited as having discovered what is called "the cave of the birds" in Egypt, a site that has yet to be excavated. What was abundantly clear at the end of this interview is that we will need to revisit the questions raised sometime in the future. |

Bill & Lucyna Brown: GIZA
This is the 2nd half of the update previously done a few days ago with Richard Gabriel regarding Egypt and in this case William will talk about the correlation between various constellations and the sites on the plateau as well as possible coming events involving the pyramids.
RICHARD GABRIELKerry interviewed Richard Gabriel from the Giza Geomatrix team who has written a new article with detailed information on the recent discovery 'Cave of the Birds' and the behind the scenes politics happening around it... |
BARRY KING: Black OpsBarry King is the quintessential clandestine operative. His title, a Security Enforcement Officer does little to reveal his true area of expertise. Selected as a young child he was, like many others monitored from afar and groomed then eventually employed by Peasmore an underground base in the UK. Due to his psi-tech abilities he was used in a variety of roles, many of which remain classified and are not revealed to this day. |
This is a groundbreaking Camelot roundtable discussion not to be missed. Here some of the most astute authors and researchers in this sector discuss openly the issues surrounding incoming objects, crafts and energy in our solar system, the secret space program and more... |
Keith Hunter
Keith Hunter is author of a new book called "The Lost Age of High Knowledge". This is a masterly work that delves into the mysteries of the sacred sites around the world and how ancients and now the secret government is using mathematics and hyper dimensional physics to tap into the energy grid where these sites are built. |
Sean David MortonSean David Morton is a renowned psychic, remote viewer and teacher. His background in metaphysics and wide knowledge of all things esoteric is rare and a delight to behold. Please join us for what will inevitably be a far reaching discussion about current events, Sean's fascinating background and future predictions. Sean has been a popular guest on Coast to Coast AM for many years... |
KERRY CASSIDYMay, 2011 I spoke in Glastonbury, UK on my way to attend the Megalithomania Conference and conduct interviews with several speakers there as well as around England. This is an excerpt from my talk set up on short notice at a local pub. The set and logistics were a bit impromptu but the crowd was wonderful and we had a great time. I was traveling with Tommy Hansen, webmaster from Project Camelot who has worked with us for over 3 years. On this trip he was assisting me as cameraman on several of the interviews making use of another area of his skill set. |
KERRY & BLL - FABREGASThis is a two part interview with Project Camelot conducted by Mel Fabregas for the Veritas Show, at the UFO Congress in Phoenix Arizona in February 2011. In this interview we cover many topics including the efforts by various factions of the powers that be who have tried to interfere with our work and take us down. This is a very candid look at our partnership in Camelot over the years and our view of some of what we have encountered in this ever changing dynamic that makes up our work and our drive to get the truth out. |
MICHAEL TELLINGERBack in June of 2010 I made a trip out to see Adam's Calendar and the stone circles of South Africa. This is a documentary made of my journey. Shot in a guerilla filmmaking style this documentary captures the real flavor of the place, the ambiance and wonder and magic of what may well be one of the most amazing and overlooked ancient sites on Planet Earth. |